Monday, September 7, 2009


Song For This Post -

Today I went on a firefly hunt with my lil friend Hobbes.. We wound up in the very spooky Drowsy sim, catching gorgeous fireflies to keep away the scaries! This will be word-short, pic-rich so let's get to the shots!

Reek! stuffs:

dude shirt (5L 2 pk)
plaid undies (1L starlust panty raid - but man I hope he makes more cos these are awesome!!!)
look at my fireflies jar (125L w/2 versions)
hobbes (175L for 2 versions)
I heart bandaids (99Lfatpack)

Other stuffs:

hair solutions - stefani - DSN gift
frop! - gym socks - lucky chair item
emphermal creations - barbed heart choker (0L last year's sn@tch haunted house gift)
kicks and skin prev blogged

All poses are from PIDIDDLE, and the shots were taken at the Drowsy sim.

AND!!! Just 'cos this thing is awesomeness, and I want it even though a) I have no home to put it in YET, and b) I cannot afford such a wicked thing (2000L). Cloud tp'd me to this awesome cyberpunk/robotics type store a friend of his runs.. and I was in awe. So much here that I want - but LOOK!! at this lounger/shelving unit!!!!!! God this pic doesn't so it justice, so please take the taxi to this store.

Drowsy -

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