Tuesday, September 22, 2009

autumn almanac.

Song For This Post - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNgo07Cg7lI

So let me just start with saying that this is a song I have been chanting for the past week. Course, it is more effective to chant when you are stomping through giant piles of crunchy fall leaves, but that's coming. "It's all PART (crunch) of my (crunch, crunch) AUTUMN (crunch) AL (crunch) MA (crunch) NAC!!!! (crunch, crunch, crunch)" Bellowing is not optional.

So, no. There is no fall background to this one because I had to much fun snapping pictures of the dance I finally buckled down and bought after my year in sl (the 25th was my rezzday!! I had no clue til the 26th haha). It's the most awesomest dance, from Sine Wave, called the Jammy Dodger. There is another one that I want to link with it, but I'm not telling you, cos it'll be my signature dance move. *flashes the pearly whites*

Onto the pretty clothes! This may be a look you'll see me sporting more and more as I love it soo much. Both the jacket and the skirt are from oyakin. The skirt is part of the group gift (0L in notices still I THINK), and the jacket is something I plan to collect in every colour (90L). The skirt is my favourite in sl right now, and I am drooling over the bright blue! Ah well, next pay period. I spent a lot, selectively, during my shopping excursions this past little bit.

With it, I am wearing the Millionaire hair from Tiny Bird (complete with tiara) that was Autmn's most recent 50L Friday offering. I LOVE the soft fluffiness of the hair, and the tiara is texture-scripted to match any outfit you can come up with. I also have on Tarnished's BonBon socks (75L/fatpack incredible steal!). The gorgeous skin is lessthanthree's phoebe 02, one of the incredible skins she will be releasing for the upcoming skin fair, and the necklace is from Boing Fromage (prev blogged).

These snaps were taken during my friend Naga's set @ Lucidity, floating high above Wretched Hollow, home to Wretched Dollies. I'll show you more of the sim in a few posts, as it is perfect for haunting fall shots.

Tarnished - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Towaru/98/114/667
oyakin* - http://slurl.com/secondlife/ONJUKU/99/38/23
sine wave - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sine%20Wave%20Island/48/19/23
Lucidty @ Wretched Hollow - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wretched%20Hollow/200/202/71

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