I just love this club.. it really is so unique and beautiful! I grabbed CC in the midst of digging thru her inventory, but she definitely is rocking the cootie mask! She's wearing an awesome pirate girl outfit from BareRose called "Black Mist" - lookin damned schmexy! I've got on my current two obesessions - Sht*t Happens Zebra jeans and ~silentsparrow~'s Ryou group gift. My hair is from Rock Candy - given out to group members.
Behind me you can see Rance - requester of 80s classics that are still entrenched in my skull. I'm currently listening to the Streets in an attempt to dislodge them.
The boy does not dance. He just does not dance. Unfathomable.. But aren't WE cute???
This is our dapper host Meta Constantine.. and look at the incredible surroundings! I love the colours in this shot... You can see my friend Eeka on the left, and she just couldn't stay away. I missed her!!!!
Here's a closeup of the modifications he made to wings from [OMFG} - who by the way are having an entire makeover of the store - everything is going to be 1L or free, and this is quality merchandise by a very talented designer. Meta did such a great job redoing these, that I cammed them for a good protion of the night.
It was such a fun night, and something neither CC nor I hadn't done in a long time. I'm so thankful that Meta gave the invite.. From what I understand the party went on until well after 2:45am - and included a surprise wedding officiated over by the host!! Not sure how that happened, but if that's how they roll during their bashes, I'm so in on the next one!
Really liked having you over to our humble abode, you were a real trooper having stayed on longer than most at the shindig, so again thanks for your divine attendance.